Cold and Flue Prevention at Williston

Cold and Flu Prevention at Williston Healthcare & Rehabilitation

Preventing Colds and The Flu at Williston Healthcare & Rehabilitation

To help combat the spread of colds and the flu this year, Williston Healthcare and Rehabilitation has taken precautions by offering influenza vaccines to residents and all staff members. We do not allow members of our Care Team to work when ill or experiencing symptoms, and any residents who may feel under the weather do not socialize until they are without symptoms and feeling better.

In addition, our facility continues to encourage social distancing among residents and requires the use of masks for all staff. Frequent and thorough hand hygiene, such as washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub, is very important in preventing the spread of the viral germs that cause colds and the flu.

We wish you a very happy and healthy holiday season! Remember to wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing when possible, and continue wearing your mask when appropriate. This year, spread only good cheer, not germs!

For more information about our Infection Control Practices against colds, influenza, and COVID-19, visit our page on Infection Control. For more information on our current COVID-19, visit our COVID-19 Guide.