Hand Washing as part of infectious disease control at Williston Healthcare & Rehabilitation

Infection Control Practices

Over the past year, Williston Healthcare & Rehabilitation has worked diligently to score “Deficiency Free” ratings on both of our South Carolina Infection Control Surveys in 2020. Our team’s focus on infection control for all diseases, including COVID-19, is taken very seriously for our residents’ health and safety.

Our company takes a “team approach” where all staff contribute to reducing the number of infectious diseases at Williston. We use various measures that prevent and contain the spread of infectious diseases.

These measures include:

  • Hand Washing upon entry and exiting the facility and every resident’s room.
  • On-going Infection control education, contact, droplet and airborne precautions, monthly in-services based on CDC guidelines.
  • Procedures for decontamination of persons and disinfection of equipment and the environment
  • Quarantine of contacted individuals
  • Prophylaxis of exposed individuals (Medications)
  • Identification/elimination of infection to prevent spreading to others

As part of our innovation plan for 2021, our skilled nursing home has added UV-C Hospital-Grade Disinfection to our cleaning and sanitization regiments. By sanitizing our rooms with UV-C light, we are able to kill 99.99% of pathogens that cause diseases.

We are proud to be part of a larger family (a community) that not only works together through difficult times but loves and grows together.

If you would like to learn more about our infection control programs, please contact us today!